Sunday, January 1, 2012

The Raggle Taggle Gypsies O

“If you look like your passport photo, you’re too ill to travel.” Will Kommen.

My eyes are rolling back in my head, the kids are giddy kippers and I just stole a porter's cart. So I guess that means so far all things well! When a check in agent is unfriendly and suspicious I think nothing of it. Yet when the counter clerk is laid back and gregarious I start to wonder about the pilots credentials? Traveling with surf boards is never fun, the airport people look at you like your a weirdo. Whats weird about 12 bags, 2 boards and children in shorts, wheeling a mile and quarter in 60 degrees, from terminal one to terminal four? Who knew the folks in Fort Lauderdale would be wearing ski jackets?

Its the first time I have been asked to step on the scales after my bags got weighed in. At first I thought it a early morning prank, but no, I had to climb on up and be digitally embarrassed under the florescent tubing. I mean my body clock is 3 hours behind - I would never normally weigh in before my morning coffee. "On a long journey even a straw weighs heavy." Spanish proverb.

Its headed up to mid morning and we are less than an hour from the glory of warm turquoise waters, my nerves are definately going to need the soothing saline. This whining has to stop, I really have to start enjoying the journey. “A good traveler has no fixed plans and is not intent on arriving.” Lao Tzu

But I'm sat in freezing cold Florida, in a drafty remote forgotten section of the airport and I just want to be there, get unpacked and suck on a cold beer, while warm breezes caress my dreamy forehead. At least team Chuglan are all as intent on arriving as I!"Caribbean Queen Now we're sharing the same dream" Billy Ocean.

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