"One man's junk is another man's treasure" Unknown
Just a five minute ride away there was a swap meet and produce market that was a commotion to the senses. Finding parking proved the first problem as the industrial area was swamped with cars and bikes and people swarming in all directions. I have to admit there are some pretty cool old cars in Uruguay, I'm not sure if its a trend or a necessity to recycle as vehicles are expensive.
"An old-timer is one who remembers when it cost more to run a car than to park it." Unknown.
I really like the way that everything is recycled, even the stuff that that looked like a pile of twisted metal. Uruguay seems to be efficient like that, not wasteful like some places I can mention. The western world has forgotten how to fix things like hairdryers, TV's and microwaves. It's assumed its just cheaper to throw it away and buy another new, you can't even find an electrical repair shop. Maybe it is economic sense for a consumer society, but I'm not sure that's the best way forward. It doesn't make financial sense in Uruguay because of the import duties and the taxes.
"The buyer needs a hundred eyes, the seller but one."
George Herbert
Books, antiques, furniture, tools, shoes, clothes, pots, light fittings. You name it, it was there, laid out neatly in rows along the streets. Everyone intently scanning for a bargain or that uniquely rare, 7 inch, 3 amp whatsamathingy.
“Being English, I always laugh at anything to do with the lavatory or bottoms.” Elizabeth Hurley
Okay, so you get my drift about the everything being recycled? We can move on to the new section and fresh produce. Oh boy, everything you could think of and everything and some things I wasn't really sure if they were even edible. It was a huge fiesta of dancing around market vendors and purchasers, lining up without squashing anything to have a apron clad marketeer serve you old school style.
"Don't be afraid to go out on a limb. It's where all the fruit is." Shirley MacLaine
Some of the produce even had real dirt on it. Farmer's market deluxe. The supply line from field to mouth is short in Uruguay as they produce 90% of everything they use. The tannat grape is a popular variety in Uruguay and the wine is a strong dark red variation. Talking of addictions, the matte tea is a very South American ritual. You see people wandering round or driving about holding a small cup with a silver style straw sticking up. Inside there is a little strainer to pack with your matte. All you need is a hot water refill now and again. Luckily there are enablers in most of the shops who will gladly refill your flask so you can suck back all day long.
"Let my words, like vegetables, be tender and sweet,
for tomorrow I may have to eat them."
Author Unknown
Everything looked so good, Kit and I went ballistic buying far more than we could carry. What the heck, it was so much fun imagining what we could conjure up in the kitchen with it all. Although hanging out with Kit is always fun, whatever it is we are doing she has a special way of making you smile from the inside out. She is just one of those people who operates on a basis of consideration and goodwill to all those who know her. Lord knows how she put up with my gormless nattering for 24/7 day after day!
"There's so much plastic in this culture that
vinyl leopard skin is becoming an endangered synthetic"
Lily Tomlin
Mmm, just what I needed another rubic cube I cant do. Luckily the kids and Greg were seduced over to a second hand Wii dvd stand where they spent over 30 minutes negotiating with each other and the vendor as to what they would buy. Laughable really considering after being $20 lighter, not one of the discs worked when we got home.
"What was in there?" Talking Dog
Amazing really that we could spend so much time wandering around, happily whiling away the afternoon. When Kit and I stumbled upon the pickle and jam stand that seemed to have appeared from yesteryear we managed to restrain ourselves to just one or two - okay maybe three jars.
"When is a cucumber like a strawberry?
When one is in a pickle and the other is in a jam."
Author Unknown.
Meeting back up at the cheese stand, there was just one last place to visit before home time. The chicken stall of course. I won't tell the kids if you won't.
"It is better to be the head of chicken than the rear end of an ox”
Japanese Proverb
What does that proverb even mean? I don't think either animals fate would end well in Uruguay considering there are about 10 million head of cattle, making it the country with the most cows per person. A real cow and chicken tale.
"Does anybody hear speaka el espanola?" Cow and Chicken Cartoon
"How can you tell when it's rabbit pie for dinner? It has hares in it."
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